Monday, February 10, 2014

Lean Start-Up: From Business Plan to Creating a Business Model Canvas

75% of all start-ups fail.  Don't make it!  Never make it.

Steve Blank is trying to change those #'s.  He is introducing a methodology called the "lean start-up."  I particularly like his BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS.  On this canvas, he encourages start-ups to sketch out their HYPOTHESES.  Specifically, this canvas helps the start-up look at 9 BUILDING BLOCKS:
1. Key Partners: Who are your key partners and what activities will these partners perform?
2. Key Activities: What key activities do your value propositions require?
3. Key Resources: What key resources do your value propositions require?
4. Value Propositions: What value will you deliver to your customers? What problem(s) will you solve?
5. Customer Relationships: How will you get, keep, and grow customers?
6.  Channels: Through what channels will you reach your customer segments?
7. Customer Segments: For whom are you creating value?
8. Cost Structure: What are the most important cost inherent to the model you chose?
9. Revenue Streams: What is the revenue model?

As you think about church planting, I would encourage you to develop a church planting canvas and develop your answers to the 9 building blocks in order to validate your hypothesis.

Watch this from Steve Blank:

And this......

Get your canvas or app here:

Make your own canvas in google docs:

Forbes article:

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