Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Taking Care of You

Self-care is an important component in beginning any new adventure. The temptation as an entrepreneur is to neglect the care of self as you invest all your time, energy, emotions, health, etc. into getting the new project off the ground. Starting something new is exhilarating but it is difficult to sustain over a long period without proper self-care.

In the Bible, the corrective for constant creation/creativity/motion is the gift of Sabbath. God gives us this gift of REST. Ceasing from the rigors of work so we can rest in the ONE who made it all. The one who sustains it all. The one who gives us the creative genius to dream dreams.

So, as you launch your new adventure, your new project, your new church, practice a weekly Sabbath as self-care. Daily, find opportunities to pause, step away from the intensity of launching something NEW, and rest in Jesus - the giver and sustainer of life. Add to this practice exercise, healthy eating, mental timeouts, laughter, fun, community, etc and you are on your way to a better you.


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