Saturday, March 23, 2013

(YOU) Build a Better Block!

Everyone of us would love to have the perfect block/neighborhood - whatever it is you imagine a perfect block/neighborhood to be.  Jason Roberts, featured in the video below, decided to do something about creating the perfect block where he lived in Dallas, TX. He didn't wait for someone else to jump to action.  He did something- actually, him and a few of his friends.

Watch the video and ask yourself:  What did Jason do I could do to make my block better?  Here are my thoughts.  Below the video you will see Jason's KEY steps to changing everything to make a better block!

Here is what I saw in the video:
1.  He had a vision of his DREAM neighborhood (took a trip).  And, personally took responsibility to make a better neighborhood.
2.  He joined others, GOT INVOLVED and found opportunities to INFLUENCE from a big picture perspective (joined the chamber of commerce).
3.  Don't walk away from those who are different than you. Those in the room probably want change as well (joining the chamber of commerce).
4.  He first helped someone else pursue their dream of a better neighborhood (the old theatre), then; he began to do something on his "better block" list.
5.  Investment follows enthusiasm.  Being "drunk" on enthusiasm compels you to other dreams. (theatre and art show).
6.  He listened to the community by asking, "What other problems are there?" (library, study).
7.  He asked others to join him in the adventure to build a better block (friends/neighbors).
8.  He created the appearance something was happening - and people thought in fact something was happening- and then made something happen (street car).
9.  He created culture in order to change culture (bike community)
10.  You don't have to own a "bike" to create a "bike" culture.
11.  Sometimes you have to break every rule/law in order to create the perfect block (city block ordinances)-challenging old assumptions/structures, in order to create new paths.
12.  If you start something, there is a good chances people will come along and help you, making it last. (children art studio).
13.  In as little time as one weekend, you can create a better block and a dog park.  Just do something.
14.  He kept it close and personal, before he went broader and bigger (local to city hall plaza; neighborhood to nation).
15.  Took a plan (you don't have to be the originator of every good idea) and built it, making the dream a reality (city plaza).
16. Led from passion not from expertise (bike ride).
17. He was inspired (Portland) to leave something better for others (kids).

Jason's HOW's:
  • Show Up:: be present - keep going.  If you don't "someone" will and they hate everything.
  • Give It a Name - give it an identity.  This creates attachment and ownership (Portland neighborhoods ;)
  • KEY STEP:: Set a Date and Publish it (Blackmail yourself). If you don't you will talk yourself out of it.  


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