Monday, March 25, 2013

How Does the TIP You Leave Reflect on Jesus?

Perhaps you've heard, Christians are lousy tippers.

Often times Christians, instead of leaving a generous tip to those who are SERVING (a biblical posture to be endorsed), will stiff the wait staff by being cheap ( leaving no tip), insulting (being really kind and then leaving a Christian pamphlet), arrogant (quoting scripture verses they should be leaning on themselves), etc.

This epidemic is so bad, wait staff at many restaurants try to get off the Sunday work schedule to avoid the Christian crowd, assured to descend on the restaurant with cheap, insulting, arrogant behaviors. Is this the posture Jesus would have us assume to a non-Jesus following world?

What does your tip say about your Jesus? Many curious God-seekers, like this quote from Ghandi, would say, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

In EVERYTHING we do, we have opportunity to bear witness as ambassadors of Christ to a watching world. As the world watches you, your church, your church plant, what are they saying about Jesus?

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