Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Evangelism Problem or Relational Problem?

The gospel has always been a relational transaction. The relational dynamics of the gospel can not be overlooked. Occasionally, you may have your airplane conversion story, but these are the rarity not the norm. Most people want to get close to you in order to discover how close they want to get to your Savior. So, how many people do you know who are far removed from God? One is a good start! Now, today, how will you be proactive to move this person from becoming a follower of Jesus?
» Acquaintances need to become Friends as you follow them into their context, praying as you go .

» Friends need to become followers of you through invitation and food.
» Followers of you need to become Followers of Jesus through relational investment with you and other followers of Jesus.
» Followers of Jesus need to become Family through living in community.
» Family needs to become Disciplemakers through life on mission.
If we are going to make disciples of Jesus Christ, we have to have a message, but we also need acquaintances - those far from God. We must go to them. It requires ordinary living outside the walls of the building in close proximity with those who are missing. If you surround yourself with just insiders, you will
As you follow Jesus today make a choice to pray for a person of peace who will become a friend of you in order to become a friend of Jesus.

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