Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Holding Evil in Check

In organizations, in new churches, it is easy to forget some simple biblical truths. God always seems to use the weak to do great things. He often chooses to use the simple to display his power. As I sit here tonight watching the Hobbit, I am struck by this quote from Tolkien,

Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love. Gandalf”

How does God hold evil in check? It is in SMALL....EVERYDAY....DEEDS.....OF....ORDINARY.....FOLK.

Small acts of KINDNESS. Small acts of LOVE.

If you are an organization, it may not be the person on the top of the organizational pyramid who provides the greatest growth opportunity for the company. It may not be the Pastor's great sermons who holds the key to the transformation to the city.

For the company achieving growth, it could be the checker at the checkout stand, giving a simple smile who provides the customer satisfaction which brings the customer back, again-and-again. In the city, it may be the ordinary follower of Jesus simple act of loving their neighbor which advances the Kingdom of God.

We must be careful, as organizations and as churches, what we invest in as we seek to hold evil in check. Don't overlook the ordinary folk - the ordinary followers of Jesus. They hold the key. Free them. Release them. Empower them. Trust them. Encourage them. Be grateful for them.

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