Monday, May 27, 2013

Dealing with Rejection

I found this article today on twitter. It offers some great coaching advice on dealing with rejection. We have all faced it. Even the "super heroes" we will see in the movies this summer faced rejection, failure, exposure.

Your idea will not gain an audience.

The conversation you are having will end abruptly.

You will be looked over for the promotion.

People will choose not to come to your new church plant.

So, how will you deal with rejection when it comes?

Here are some thoughts:

  1. Take some time to reflect. Objectively think through what happened. Learn and improve.
  2. Ask for feedback. Constructive feedback can offer valuable information.
  3. Apply the feedback.
  4. Are you sure it is even about you?
  5. Channel your feelings. Use the experience to teach you failure is always an option, but direct your emotional strength to positive outcomes.
  6. Redirect your thoughts. Don't give the redirection another thought. In other words, don't replay it over and over in your mind.
  7. Resist getting angry.

How have you experienced dealing with rejection? Did any of the thoughts above get you through it? What else would you share?


Read the entire article here:

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