Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Build a Better Brick Wall

How do you build a better brick wall? Simply, one-brick-at-a-time!

It is easy in ministry to focus on the outcome, the brick wall in this case, instead of, the individual brick(s). You want walls. You don't necessarily want to place bricks and position bricks to form a wall. For example, "I will plant a church." This is the brick wall. Nothing wrong with this. But, be careful in what you are building. You can build a brick wall, but if you don't give attention to the individual bricks to form the wall you may wind up with a wall you never intended. Be careful what type of wall you are building.

The outcome focuses you, but the bricks point to the steps it took you to get there. You need to be more careful in focusing your efforts on placing the bricks (making disciples who make disciples). In working towards building the wall, i.e. planting the church, focus on the simple steps-the individual bricks-you will need to carefully build a better wall.

So, what will it take today to place the brick? What will you need to do today to build a better new church? What are the bricks you will need to place to see new believers come into the Kingdom? Perhaps, the first brick is seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Perhaps, another brick is praying to the Lord of the Harvest for harvest hands in His fields ripe unto harvest. Maybe another brick is walking across the street to introduce yourself to the neighbors? Brick-by-brick a new wall is formed - a better brick wall.

Measure your success in the individual bricks. Set realistic goals in placing the bricks. Keep your focus on the brick and the wall will come together.

So, plant a church- build a brick wall. But please, take time to put the right brick, in the right place, with the right effort and with the the right attitude to get the brick wall God really intended for us to build.

You want to see new churches birthed. Make sure we are making new disciples who will become the church.

What are the individual bricks Jesus is leading you to place to start a new church? Write them down and focus on those individual bricks. Measure your success here.


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