Thursday, March 7, 2013

Is Christendom Stuck in a Sacred vs. Secular Divide?

Jesus moved into the neighborhood to show the fullness of God to humanity.  He chose to incarnate himself into this world, being fully God and fully man, to show the world a better way in HIS Kingdom.  As followers of Jesus, we can't be scared of this world.  We can't escape it.  We must choose to live as ambassadors in a "foreign" land. We do this as followers of his who embrace ALL of life as a sacred trust and responsibility.  Lecrae says,
"I believe that the reason why the church typically doesn't engage culture is because we are scared of it. We're scared it's going to somehow jump on us and corrupt us. We're scared it's going to somehow mess up our good thing. So we consistently move further and further away from the corruption, further and further away from the crime, further and further away from the post-modernity, further and further away from the relativism and secular humanism and we want to go to a safe place with people just like you. We want to be comfortable."
 Jesus moved into the neighborhood.  Where is He calling you to live your life?  Where is the neighborhood you must move to as His ambassador?

Read the entire article here:

Christian Post Article: Sacred vs. Secular Divide

What do you think?

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