Monday, March 18, 2013

3 UNPOPULAR Habits for Truly Successful Startup Leaders

Every leader has to do some rather routine habits, daily, in order to accomplish their goals. These are the topics of conversations at conferences, blogs, etc.  But most leaders who achieve some sort of success always pursue some rather UNPOPULAR habits as well.  These habits, though not glamorous, are a must to achieve your organizationspathways to success.  This article comes from Under30CEO and the article starts like this....
In this post I highlight three of the less glamorous habits that you just don’t hear about as much. These aren’t bad habits, they’re just tough and they’re some of the most essential habits to an entrepreneur’s success.
Here they are:

  1. SYSTEMIZING - these are the systems you put in place to accomplish the big idea of getting the  business/non-profit off the ground and flying.  For example, what system will you put in place to make dicisions?  What system will be in place to hire new people? What system is needed to develop leaders?  What system is needed ____(fill-in-the-blank)____?  This is essential work but not as glamorous as coming up with the BIG idea! This will shift will help you go from,"working IN the business to working ON the business."
  2. Saying, "NO" - “Strategic quitting is the secret of successful organizations.” ~Seth Godin, The Dip.  Saying, "NO"can turn into an opportunity when you focus on what you CAN do instead of what you CAN'T do or shouldn't do.
  3. MINDSET - "There are so many demands on our time and mental energy that if you don’t take the time to fill your mind back up with good stuff you’ll inevitably burn out. I learned a very simple but effective way of doing from my buddyJohn Morgan. He taught me to start every morning with something positive that helps set the tone for the entire day. Whether it’s a book, devotion or podcast, just 15 minutes can be the difference between an insanely productive day and a miserable one."
Read more here:  

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