Friday, February 8, 2013

The Collective Context: Do People Understand Their Context in the Collective Context?

Just because your strategy makes sense to you, doesn't mean it makes sense to others!
It is up to you to create understand of the collective context, so people can
  • Put the strategy on a single piece of paper. Let it serve as a strategic framework that drives all work inside the organization.
  • Share the strategic framework and ensure your leaders are aligned. Don’t stand for bobble-heads. Give leaders the context behind the strategy so they understand how you got there and ask them to make the strategy relevant for their teams.
  • Provide leaders training on how to use the tools. See them in action so you can coach them on how to communicate big-picture messages, along with that all-important personalization. Can your leaders make the strategy relevant to their teams?
  • Use the strategic framework consistently in your communications with employees so it becomes familiar to them and they see what’s happening and how it ties to the strategy (they know what’s important when they see and hear it from multiple sources).
  • As your thinking evolves about the strategy (quarterly, annually, etc.), update your frameworkand communicate regularly so employees are in the loop and understand the reasons behind decisions.
  • Celebrate “wins,” always connecting back to and reinforcing the core elements of the strategy.
  • Read more from the Grossman Group here:

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