Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Now that Halloween is Over.....My Relections and a Challenge

It is official Christmas is here. But before we bypass Thanksgiving, let's reflect on what happened on Halloween:

1. Kids, despite high unemployment, a lackluster economy, etc. etc., were full of smiles last night. When you are LOVED the world looks different.
2. Favorite costume of the night: two kids, one was dressed as a toilet which served as his "candy bucket" and his sidekick, "the magazine rack, toilet paper dispenser." Epic imaginations. I love watching how creative kids can be this time of year. Young people have great imaginations if given the opportunity.
3. Is it me or are more parents having "drinks" while the trudge the streets with their kids? Parents are socially engage with other parents in this "progressive party." Community matters.
4. More and more kids are "trick-or-treating" in large groups.
5. Opportunities abound to bless others. You and I must take responsibility to be SALT AND LIGHT IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS.
6. My kids are growing up as they hit the 'hood on their own. I have to rediscover my purpose on Halloween.

So.....what did you see, hear and do?

Here is what we did:

A. We didn't serve our whole neighborhood, but we did BLESS through an abundant supply of candy and smiles to give to our nightly visitors OUT OUR FRONT DOOR. God's mission for you and me begins on our front steps of our homes. This is where the Church serves the neighborhood through the ministry of presence.

B. I found ONE to serve and BLESS. I brought something hot to drink to my neighbor across the street and HOSTED him in conversation...twice. He was dressed as "the Devil" and I was going to be his NEIGHBOR, reflecting the person of Christ to him as he sat on the porch this cold Halloween night.

Halloween is behind us and Christmas cometh. How will you "bring good news of great joy" to those in your neighborhood this Holiday season? How can you join with your church plant or your church community to do something together to serve and bless a family(ies), a neighborhood block or a commnity? A bike, a blanket, a turkey,  a tree, a gift can all make a difference to one person or to one family.  What will you allow Christ to do through YOU (the individual and the church)?

Think about it and do something. Come back here and share your stories.
#mission #churchplanting #bless #gospel #neighborhood #namb

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