Monday, August 8, 2011

Tips for Rising Above Conflict and Implementing Winning Solutions

It is envitable. You will experience conflict as a leader.....most likely multiple conflicts. Lisa Earle McLeod in her book, THE TRIANGLE OF TRUTH : THE SUPRISING SECRETS TO RESOLVING CONFLICTS LARGE AND SMALL, list her top tips for turning discouraging disagreements into exceptional ideas (read the entire article at SPIRIT Magazine, August 2011 edition):

1. Seek the Winning Solution.
Learn to collaborate. Truths on both sides can be found. It is not about getting what you want . It is about creating something great.

2. Find Your Courage
When others are shooting down your ideas don't get defensive. Take a breathe and ask them for their ideas to accomplish the task. Focus on a solution.

3. Expand Your Focus
Hold loosely to your own agenda. When you get pushy with ideas, people tend to stop listening. Problems start by not listening to others ideas. Be proactive in listening to others ideas.

4. Tame Your Tone
Studies show only 7% of what people interpret when you speak is verbal. The other 93% is about tone and body language. Keep this thought in mind to guard your tone: I'm excited about helping us all suceed.

5. Don't Judge
If you shoot down others ideas, you loose influence in shaping their thinking. People want to be problem solvers not criticized for being part of the problem.

6. Free Your Mind
Be open to other ideas and solutions. LISTEN.

7. Be a Peacemaker
Your truth plus my truth can equal something amazing. I'm right and your wrong attitudes keep you from great solutions.

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