Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The End of Church Planting as We Know it?

Interesting article from Christianity Today on the tension between planting churches professionally and planting churches as a missionary team.

Living in a context which is highly unreached by the Good News of Jesus Christ, and has seen little impact from the professional church planting model, you think the organized church would be open, for the sake of the Gospel, to trying a missionary team approach? You think with the majority of our effort going to the professionals, we could at least become more missiological balanced in a missionary team approach alongside the professional clergy church planting behometh. At best, we acknowledge it, but push it to the back of the church planting agenda. Paul and Barnabus might not have found a seat at the church planting table.

Read the article and Fitch's blog here: http://ping.fm/to7cY

Leave your comments below.

1 comment:

  1. Models and resources are not the cause for church plant failure. It is the leadership. There is no doubt models and methods need to expand but those change every generation, what does not change is the need for strong leadership. I have met several planters of our NW plants that have "failed" and not to be too blunt but most of those leaders were not church planters. They did not have the spiritual or practical skill sets to make it happen. I frankly get tired of the debates of the models, if we cannot instill basic leadership skills into church planters no model in the world will work. Sorry for the rant.
