Monday, June 13, 2011

Theology Shaping Portland Church Planting

"Church planting is legitimate only if set within a broader mission context. Divorced from this context, church planting may represent little more than ecclesiastical expansionism." Stuart Murray

Portland Church Planting is shaped by the belief God is a sending God. His acts display His mission in the Trinity. These actions, modeled by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are actions His followers should emmulate in the places, neighborhoods and communities where God is at work expanding His Kingdom.

God works through us to expand His tangible Kingdom on earth in the power of His Spirit. He plants His people in these places to abundantly sow the Gospel, praying to the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest fields.

God expands His Kingdom and God grows His church.

Come live missionally here. If you stay where you are pray for Portland. Advocate for the city in your network. Send laborers into this harvest field.

#sbcpc #sbcpastorsconf #sbc2011 #sbc11 #sendPortlandOR

FOLLOW US @sendPortlandOR and retweet us to your network for His namesake!

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