Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Learn to Navigate Ancient Wisdom and New Insight

From the 99% (the99percent):

"Don’t judge someone based on age. Judge based on skill."

In order to innovate, we have to be willing to trust young leaders.  Paul had to remind the early church Timothy was skillful, regardless of his age.  When you look to innovate your organization, church or new church plant, we cannot become imprisoned by the past, but we must not be stubborn and spend our time reinventing the wheel.

Here are a few tips the article mentions to navigate innovation and ancient wisdom:
1.  Don't judge someone based on age.  Only judge based on skill.  Lack of experience doesn't trump skill.  In order to innovate, EXAMINE ONE'S SKILL SET rather than age or number of years in the "industry."
2. Question the correlation between past accomplishments and present knowledge. The brillant expert from yesterday may have little insight today.  "Experts" can be TOO BIASED to see that times have changed.
3.  Beware of conventions.  ANYTHING can always be done better.

For the entire article, read here:  http://t.co/LnNRp70 99classics

In Portland Oregon, we need innovators!  Come join us in living the gospel and sowing the gospel in a 20-minute community, so new people can be reached and formed into new churches.


(Sent via Seesmic http://www.seesmic.com)

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