Saturday, June 25, 2011

Group Development

As a leader or church planter, group development is essential.  Many church planters and leaders loose core group members and core leaders around the issue of "group development."  When a church planter loses core group members, instead of, writing it off as the "norm" in church planting; why not examine what you are or aren't doing to develop the group. Perhaps, we as leaders can implement some practices to avoid this.

Every group will develop.  How are you developing yours?  Trust is essential in developing your group. The reason I have left a "group," a church plant or an organization had to do with TRUST.

YOUR Leadership Role in Creating Trust is essential.

Leaders can help foster Trust in seven ways:
  1. Building a great first impression in the earliest days – this will have a big influence on the team
  2. Building relationships from the outset and learning about team members
  3. Swiftly and constructively dealing with concerns and issues as they arise
  4. Creating a feeling that they are present even when they are elsewhere
  5. Encouraging frequent team communication
  6. Using private methods rather than public forums to deal with under-performance
  7. Recognising and celebrating achievements frequently
If you want to get the most out of your leadership and your group, learn to sow TRUST throughout your development and the development of your group!

For more on this topic read this pocket management article:

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