Monday, May 16, 2011

AMPLIFY: A Learning Party!

Amplify begins May 17 with 39 adults and 10 kids gathering from several of our regions throughout the NWBC at Cannon Beach.  The leadership of Midtown Fellowship, Columbia, SC will be at the party guiding us through the following (

Session 1:
2 Corinthians 5:17-18 - Jesus-Centered --> from there I will talk about how Jesus does all the transformation and changing and in our impatience and God-complex mindset we tend to search out meaning, value, hope and purpose in other places. (Romans 1:22, 23, 25 / Jeremiah 2) and then I will bring it full circle back to 2 Corinthians 5:17-18 and then landing on 2 Corinthians 5:21)

Session 2: 
2 Corinthians 5:17-19 - FAMILY (I will highlight and point out the "US" statements Paul makes in the passage. The christian life is a communal deal. It is a team sport if you will. Philippians 2 is not passage of how to treat non-believers...Romans 12 is not a passage about how to treat non-believers. These are family passages. So as a leader who do you have around you? Who are you serving? Who can speak boldly into your life --> If you try to go about ministry with a lone ranger / rockstar mentality you will die one way or another.

Session 3: 
2 Corinthians 5:17-20 - MISSION - Do you preach/teach it to your people or do you model it to your people. You teach people what you know... you reproduce who you are.

Session 4: 
Psalms - Jay Hendricks will lead on this. 

The following affinity groups will gather throughout the retreat:  church planters, church based collegiate leaders, campus based collegiate leaders, and semester missionaries.  

Pray for this group to be refreshed, renewed, re-purposed, and reclaimed for HIS Kingdom these next few days!

Here at Portland Church Planting (#sendPortland) we place a strong value in supporting and encouraging all of our young leaders around the gospel and through our fellowship in Jesus.   Come join our team and help sow the gospel throughout the 20-minute neighborhoods of Portland Oregon so new churches can be formed! #sendPortland 

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