Tuesday, April 26, 2011

6 Common Myths in Starting Something New

Starting something new is risky. It is also filled with uncertainty. Myths are also a part of the equation. Here are some common myths in starting a new business or a new church:

1. "You need a great idea." You don't need a revolutionary idea to make it. What you do need to do is EXECUTE that idea, swiftly and intelligently.

2. "I'm good at [insert skill here] so I should start a business that does that." There is a lot more to starting something than the particular SKILL you bring to the table. You also will need to learn project management, financing, marketing and various other functions. It is wise to surround yourself with others who can and will do some of these task.

3. "I'm friends with this person, so they would also be a good partner." Simply, doing business with FRIENDS is hard. It forces the relationship to become more professional than personal. Don't ignore this advice!

4. "X% of small business fail." Failure does happen. But focus on YOUR PARTICULAR TYPE of small business and endeavor. It's success or failure rate is independent of the general market segment.

5. "You need a business degree." You may need a license or anointed status. Business is unique in that you don't need permission to succeed. Either you execute and get PAID. Or, you don't and fail.

6. "If you build it, they will come." Just because you open the doors doesn't mean customers will come. You have to get the word out! You will have to put serious time into reaching your target market and building relationships.

To read more, go to Bigmarketing.com and the article on "6 Common Myths About Starting a Small Business."

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