Thursday, October 28, 2010

What is the Key to ......

The "Keys of the Game" is a popular moniker in basketball. What does our team need to do to win this game. Here are some examples:

1. The key is for us to out-rebound or control the boards.
2. Eliminate turnovers
3. Takeaway easy transition baskets.
4. Etc. etc.

What is the key to moving Jesus mission forward as followers of Jesus. What is the KEY to the game?

As Charlean often reminds me, by pointing out the obvious, "Isn't the KEY to the game to score more points than the opponent?"

Jesus KEY for us in transforming communities and multiplying the Church is rather simple, basic even, obvious. It is OBEDIENCE.

Obedience to Jesus command to GO MAKE DISCIPLES of those who are not yet disciples. We will see more churches started, more churches on a healthier path, and more followers of Jesus when those who are Christians simply OBEY. The result will be a disciple, who makes disciples, who makes disciples, who make......When one person stops obeying, the process is stopped. The KEY to the game is....well, missed.

Loving obedience is the KEY to the game, so MAKE a disciple.

I'm thankful someone obeyed so I could become a follower of Jesus.

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