Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Life for a Plateaued or Declining Church

How would you help somebody discover a richer, fuller, life (assuming the person has spiritual life in Christ)? What would you tell them to do?  Or, what would you tell them to stop doing? Would you suggest they take a vacation or in this economy - a stay-cation?  Would you offer them to embrace some new habits, golf for example?  Or suggest, they just try harder and not change a thing?  Exercise possibly?  Perhaps,  if they wrote a new life mission statement and adapted some grand vision statement, this would do the trick.  Not bad ideas at all, in fact, I like some of them.

Each of us would probably offer A LOT and probably varied advice (like I'm doing here ;) ).  This is the way we approach church health.  You can read book-after-book on how to revitalize the church.  Good advice and probably needed advice, but usually the only thing revitalized is the publisher's and author's bank accounts.

Jesus offers these simple words, "Love God.  Love People.  Make Disciples."

Simple words for simple living.  When you love what God loves, you will love the people God misses the most.  And the result, your mission changes.   When your mission changes, disciples are made and multiplied.  BUT be careful.  It is easy to make God love everything you already love.  Don't recalibrate God to your first love, but recalibrate to God's first love.  And God is a missionary sending God, sending his Son and his Spirit to all people, so all people can experience LIFE in Him.

If you are looking for a "new start" or help for your declining church, start with yourself as a disciple.  As a disciple, learn to love God.  And when you love God, you can't help but loving people by serving them.  Jesus said, "By this, all men will know that you are my disciples if you LOVE one another."

Do you want to make a tangible difference in your church?  Love.  Let love draw you outward on mission in a world desperately in need of love.

Jesus didn't say, "By this, all men will know you are my disciples when you barricade yourself in the local church building."  Jesus didn't say, "By this, all men will know you are my disciples by going to more worship services."  HE simply said, "LOVE."

Love changes everything.  It will move you to the neighborhood, to the streets, and to the alleys.

When choosing between mission and maintenance, always choose MISSION.

Now it is your turn.  What simple words would you offer to help disciples, who are the church, rediscover their first LOVE?

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