Friday, September 10, 2010

Innovation and Re-imagination: What Tying Your Shoes Can Teach You About Both

I learned to tie my shoes in kindergarten. I remember a friend inspiring me to conquer this incredible feat. No velcro for me!

I've been tying my shoes the same way every since. I'm grateful for having learned one method for tying my shoes. BUT MY LEARNING immobilized me from innovating and re-imagining other alternatives for tying my shoes.

What areas of work, ministry, discipleship, church planting, organization, etc. has your EXPERTISE kept you from innovating, dreaming, and RE-LEARNING a new method to "tie your shoes"?

Think about it and act on it.

And to get started dreaming again, LEARN to tie your shoes. Here is a video to help......

How to tie your shoes really, really fast

(Sent via Seesmic

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