Monday, September 20, 2010

Gospel Fluency Re-mix: Speaking the Truth in Love in Ministry and on MISSION

The Gospel.....

How fluent are you in the gospel?  I love how Soma Church in Tacoma, WA talks about Jesus and the gospel.  I would like to publish a series of post referencing the work of Jeff Vanderstelt and Soma Church. This is their story on how the gospel has shaped them.  Let's get started.....

Speaking the TRUTH in Love IN Ministry...and on MISSION

In Ephesians 4:11-16, we are instructed about the means by which the Church grows up into maturity. God gives certain people to the church to equip all believers for ministry (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers). Then as each part is doing their job, they build up the body of Christ to maturity and the stature of the fullness of Christ. Paul goes on to describe what must take place for this growth to occur:
  1. Speaking the Truth in Love – The truth is found in the person and work of Jesus. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”. So, speaking the truth in love is another way of saying – “Speak the Gospel to one another.”
  2. In Ministry (and on mission) – The way in which the body is built up is through each part ministering to the others (v. 16). It is in ministry and on mission that we become aware of where each of us is need of being built up in the Gospel. The areas of deficiency in our belief in the Gospel show up when we are called to Love Others and Makes Disciples.
Therefore, in order to grow up in Christ and help others grow up in Christ, we need to be Gospel Fluent and call people to live lives that both demand the power of the Gospel and reveal where we are not living in the truth of the Gospel.

How have you grown in Gospel Fluency? What has been most effective in shaping you to be able to “Bring the Gospel to Bear” on issues in your life and others? How have you shaped your group to be  Gospel Fluent? What have you found to be most effective in equipping your Missional Community/Growth group/Small group/Community group/etc. to speak the truth in love to one another and prepare them to share with those who don’t yet believe?

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