Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gospel Fluency: Lead Your Group in Gospel-centered Life (Part 3)

If Gospel fluency starts with you, then you will need to begin practicing it in your own life and start leading your group to center their life in the Gospel.

Soma Communities gives some helpful examples on how you can lead your group in this journey.  We will explore and rehearse these gopel practices the next several post which can make Gospel conversations the norm.  Here is the first,
1. Rehearse the Gospel Regularly
Ask your group to regularly restate the elements of the Gospel out loud together to see how well they’re getting it. You may have to lay it out for them a couple of times until they begin to remember it.  Here are three questions I ask to help people remember…
Who is Jesus?
              o He is the perfect man who lived a perfect life fully submitted to God the Father in all things.
              o He is the God-Man who is God in the flesh so that we could know what God is like and God would be near us.
              o He is the Messiah sent by God to save us from our sin, death and destruction.
What Did Jesus Do?
              o On the cross, He exchanged his perfect obedience (His righteousness) for our sin so that those who have faith in Jesus get Jesus’ righteousness credited to their account and their sin credited to His account
              o When he died on the cross not only were my sins removed, but they were paid for (atoned for).
              o He rose from the dead to show his power over sin and death (the wages of sin is death so Jesus’ resurrection shows the debt is paid in full).
              o He ascended to the right hand of God the Father from where he sent His Spirit to bring faith and new life to us, empowering us to live lives of obedience.
What Must We Do?
              o Repent – Have a change of mind about who is God around here.
              o Believe – By faith put our trust in Who Jesus Is and What He Has done, believing it was accomplished for us.
              o Be Baptized – Publicly express our faith that our lives are now united and identified with God in Christ.
What Happens to Us?
              o We are forgiven and cleansed of our sins.
              o We receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
              o We are included in the forever Family of God.
              o We are commissioned to Make Disciples of Jesus.

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