Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pastor Burnout

Ron Edmondson recently tweeted..... Pastor Burnout…What Now?


He offers some good suggestions in combating the many stressors of leaders in the Church. Stressors are normal and unavoidable so findind healthy ways to manage them is important. Ron offers some good remedies.

Burnout also results from never resting but always producing. As summer ends and school begins you must be proactive in balancing the rhythm of work and rest.

The simplest remedy is learning to take a SABBATH and Rest In Christ for one day a week. What this will do is break your dependency on YOU and allow you to trust GOD for His ministry. I'd encourage you at least once a month to take this Sabbath on what you would consider is your busiest day. This is where grace, trust and real rest can be found!

Live well. Take Jesus yoke and not another.

(Sent via Seesmic http://www.seesmic.com)

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